Friday, October 23, 2009

Update 23/10

Is ya boy prince at the g-spot squad, ya know what I'm talkin' about?

I think I'm done now. I thought I was done about a week or so ago but I wanted to try out some alternate music for my skeleton scenes and it turns out shit was big as fuck so I kept it and had to resync some of the animation to it and now it's good to go.

I don't know if it tackles a current social issues but I often chase bald women through forests and it's an issue for them so it should meet the brief's requirements.

It looked like one of those damn cherlampeters or whatever you call it!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

still trying to nut out music

Dnvv by mattg3

Friday, September 11, 2009


I am now in Premiere Pro and putting in sound for my animation. Soundtrack Pro was probably better all round, but since I won't have a mac after school's out, I figure I'd better get used to Soundbooth and Premiere.

Here's a glitched out track I made for it today in Ableton:

Drub by mattg3

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Working on making dubstep tunes for my animation
That's good!
No, that's bad, because I've finished most my animation
That's good!
No, that's bad, now I have to worry about the music
That's bad
No, that's good, because I've got time to do it
That's good
No, that's bad, because I still need to edit and do the sound for it
That's bad
No, that's good, because that's easier than making electronic music

dubstep track by mattg3

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Another great update

Most would assume that I would be out surfing on my weekend or on several hot dates, but I'm here to break that myth and say that I spent my Saturday night redoing some backgrounds and background objects and fixing up various little things.

I still have a lot of notes I've put down of things to change/fix/add though so I guess I won't be able to go out on my hiking trip or snorkel in the great barrier reef or slaying bitches.. all the usual stuff I'd be doing right now.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Update 22/8

Voices recorded... now I have to sit and listen to a retarded MaCaulay Culkin sounding mother fucker while I edit them

Still animating non-stop and refining things as I go. I have maybe 3 more scenes to go before I'm done with the bulk of the animation, then onto editing/sound, then possibly revisiting the animation to add some more scenes if I'm feelin' it.

No real issues except the permanent eye damage that all this screen staring is causing

Friday, August 14, 2009

I think I'm getting a sunlight deficiency from all this f'ing animating

Monday, August 10, 2009

Another Update?

The biggest issue I'm having is that I don't have CS4 junk on my PC at home which makes it just about impossible to work at both home and in class (that and Michael's inappropriate touching under the table that he makes me keep a secret), so I've had to download the trial versions of After Effects and Flash (Illustrator has no CS4 to CS3 issues that I've encountered), and am currently doing as much as I can in the 30 day trial of AE and still using CS3 Flash.

Aside from that, now that the storyboards are done I have been animating and painting backgrounds non stop to nut it out.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

s'boards part 4

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


This week was a week of storyboarding, which proved to me more time consuming than I thought, but I managed to work out a method which will make the storyboards a more valuable resource than they have been in previous projects. They will also act as a layout tool when I go to make the backgrounds and character animation which will make it a lot easier.

This week was also used to work on the management part of the project, with a proposal and timeline which are still being worked on

Monday, July 27, 2009

s'boards part 3

s'boards part 2

s'boards part 1